Thursday, March 24, 2016

March 21 Angkor Wat

After a stop to get our photo taken for the admission media, we entered the 3km x 3km Angkor Thom complex via the south gate, although not in the elephantine style of others.  Note the face carved in the stone of the gate tower.  This is repeated in the Bayon Temple where there are 216 Buddha-like faces that are actually the God of Mercy, Lokeshvara -- or perhaps the face of the God-King Jayaverman VII who built the temple.

This elephant wall stood in front of a long gone castle of the king.

 Another huge temple that we just drove past on the way to Ta Prohm.  There are hundreds within the complex.

Ta Prohm was made famous by Anglina Jolie and Tomb Raiders.  Lots of giant fig trees have embraced the temple, and are in the process of crushing it in some cases.  

 On the way to lunch we passed this guy, carrying live chickens to the market. 

I'll publish the after lunch portion of our day in a moment, if the internet holds out.

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