Saturday, March 19, 2016

March 18 Bangkok

More of the exotic orient.  Ship's excursions again as we explore this city.  Geography note: we're now at 100 deg E longitude, after starting in Miami at 80 deg W.  We've now gone halfway around the globe. 

The wholesale flower market went on for five or six city blocks with people preparing, arranging and selling all kinds of flowers.

 The fruit market next door had one happy vendor.  Surrounded by fruit, not marigolds (a correction for the cruisecritic crowd).
Now a tuk-tuk ride through the city to the temple of the reclining Buddha.  The tuk-tuk (a three wheeled vehicle sort of like a pregnant motorcycle) is ubiquitous in Asia and makes for an E-ticket ride.
 Our driver, contemplating his next dash through traffic

 The democracy monument, blurred somewhat by the motion of the tuk-tuk and the actions of the current king and prime minister.

 At the temple of the reclining Buddha
 At 43 meters long, you can't get it all in one picture.  This is the most interesting end, unless you're a chiropodist.

 Statue of Marco Polo, based on a description and not direct viewing

 The current king, from a photo 50 years old.  The king is being kept alive by machines in the hospital while the Crown Prince and Princess are fighting over succession.  The royal family took in $680 million last year, so the stakes are high.
 We traveled with a couple from Los Angeles.  Bangkok is also the "city of angels" and similarly clogged highways
 Sometimes a forklift isn't available and the "bucket brigade" gets the supplies onboard

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