Sunday, March 6, 2016

Friends Dinner on the Insignia

Betsy Horner and I had planned what Betsy referred to as "the friends dinner."  It was to take place on Feb 29--a date which we thought would stick in everyone's mind. 

After Betsy was no longer on board, I talked to the friends and we all decided that we wanted to dine together on the 29th because, truly, we needed to be with each other. 

We toasted Don, and then Betsy, and it was good to be with friends.

  We miss you, Betsy.   Hugs......cynthia


Unknown said...

What a thoughtful thing to do
A great way to remember Don I am sure Betsy would appreciate the gesture

Jennie said...

Such a wonderful idea to continue with the dinner. Thanks for posting the photo as I can see Sukey and our dear friends, Cathi and Bruce in it.
