Saturday, March 2, 2024

Feb 25 Antarctica Antarctic Bay

 Weather is causing a slight itinerary change. Approaching winds have kept the ship in protected waters rather than visiting some South Georgia islands as planned.

Out in the open the waves were running 3-4 meters in height, and the ship was moving somewhat. But this was about as bad as it got, including our run through the Drake Passage a couple of days ago. While not "Drake Lake" it was manageable.

No commentary for most of these pictures, just pretty. And imagine it being VERY COLD when viewing them.

This is the Argentinian (note the blue/white motif on on building = Argentinian flag) Esperanza Base, which is occupied year round by researchers and their families. With the sun shining and temps of nearly 30 degrees F, I expected to see people in Tshirts and shorts playing futbol.
There's always one.
Research vessels in the water
This is a panorama of the base. On the far left is a single building maintained by Uruguay. On the right is a glacier with an expedition ship in front.
Because we were spending extra time in the sound, the captain got really close to Esperanza Base. Note the loop around a fairly large iceberg.

Here's a seal tired of all the tourists interfering with his time in the sun.

Even though this picture is filled with warm colors, it was REALLY COLD.

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