Friday, March 1, 2024

Feb 22 Ushuaia Argentina

 The city at the bottom of the world. We arrive in the morning and from a distance you can see Ushuaia surrounded by mountains.

A private plane airport next to the harbor. The commercial airport is over that ridge. And it has scheduled service -- we had entertainers and crew both coming and going at that airport.

Who says you can't have the pleasure of an infinity pool where it's way too cold to use it.

Once again planning to walk around town we attempt to negotiate the chaos of the dock with at least  6 ships tied up.
Monument to the original pioneers and settlers
A churro cart (are we at Disneyland?). Notice the poster in the lower right...the Argentines have not accepted the results of the 1982 war.
Cute houses with high latitude roses
A well stocked grocery store (yes, this is the pet food aisle, but we bought Oreos)
Children's  playground

A resident on a downtown street
And another, although this one is in a much more precarious position
We did not buy a Hard Rock Ushuaia T shirt.
It seemed like there were a dozen chocolate stores in town. I doubt that the cocoa plants grow nearby, so I can't explain it.
We always knew CC was a playa.
I believe this is a teachers group demonstrating for higher pay. They were as noisy as first graders.
Nearby, and unrelated as far as I know, the military was performing some ceremony.
The local residents were unaffected.
Leaving that evening, an interesting sunset on the hill above town.

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