Wednesday, July 31, 2019

July 28 Moscow Russia GPS

In the previous post I mentioned that my GPS had some difficulties in Moscow.  Here's the data:

This is the edited track file determined by my handheld GPS unit.  Same one I've been carrying for ten years or so, including the Around The World trip in 2016.

This is a fair approximation of our track, although the extension to the southwest is probably bogus.  It does show our travels through the Kremlin.  The distance scale at the bottom is 1 mile.
 Here's the original track, direct from the device.  The distance scale is 10 miles.  Randomly the GPS position goes about 18 miles away from the actual position.  And the device is reporting a solid lock on the satellites at the time.
A little Googling reveals this to be an known problem of some duration.   In an article "Russians seek answers to GPS anomaly in Moscow", October 24, 2016  - By GPS World Staff,  it's revealed that lots of people are seeing the problem.  "Putin’s spokesman Dmitry Peskov said Thursday he did not know why the malfunction was occurring."

I wonder if there's a similar problem in Washington DC, near the White House?  Certainly would confuse your GPS enabled driving app .

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