Wednesday, July 10, 2019

July 9 Alesund, Norway

A sunny day! We will come to treasure it.

The sail in was through a chain of islands.

 Alesund harbor
 The center of Alesund is a large park with 412 steps to the top.

 We're in Norway.

 At the base of the cliff in that park.
 We made it up to about step 111.  There was a nice viewing area there.  That's the Nautica in the harbor.

 The pub is geographically named....
 ...but I disagree.  I think it's further north than they claim.

 The Alesund specialty was OK, but not enough for a return trip.

 This convenience store has everything you'd need -- Pepsi, Snickers, reindeer sausage, and Coke.

 At the waterfront a huge machine was taking room-sized bites out of this building.

 Later that afternoon there were hundreds of people going up/down the steps.  There were a couple of other cruise ships in port, but I think it was mostly locals.

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