Thursday, August 1, 2019

July 31 Tallinn Estonia

We had previously visited Tallinn and were quite comfortable with walking through the city again.

From the night before, leaving St. Petersburg, there was a vodka and caviar special.  Not my cup of tea, so to speak, but popular enough that there was a crowd with their toast points.
 And to appeal to the vodka soaked crowd, in another portion of the lounge they were selling Russian trinkets.  This appears to be a mob of nesting dolls ready to storm the walls.
 Tallinn offered a shuttle bus, but we chose to walk to the city, 1.2km away.  Tallinn harbor uses the big boy tinkertoys for erosion control.
 Fat Margaret and the gate to the city (under restoration, like 90% of Europe on this trip), Fat Margaret is what the locals call the round tower.

 Where I can't get far enough away to get the entire building within the frame I've been doing some close in panoramas.  This is one of those, and you can see the same lady entering the city museum here twice.

 Town square, with the town hall in front.
 with impressive gargoyles
 Wheel well, an innovation back in the 15th century
 Refreshments available in quantity
 Guardians of the upper town

 Alexander Nevsky Cathedral
 View of lower town from upper town

 Alexander Nevsky Cathedral from the front
 Dome Church
 Street art, you'd think there was a Chik-Fil-A here
 Sweater wall, the place to purchase warm clothes in Tallinn
 Viru Gate
 Katarina Kaik shopping area
 Broken Line monument commemorating the 852 victims of the 1994 sinking of the MS Estonia ferry.

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