Thursday, August 22, 2024

August 21 Isafjordur Iceland

 The previous day was spent in Reykjavik, where we did no sightseeing. I visited a dentist (and got a root canal to fix a painful front tooth). A nearby mall had a cell phone store so we purchased a cheap phone to fill in for the phone that was killed at Nordkapp until we can get back to the US. No pictures from the dentist, and the mall was just a mall, but with Icelandic signs.

With a new bunch of cruise passengers we went back around the western side of Iceland to stop at Isafjordur. This was another tender port -- Viking was able to secure the only dock while we bounced along to the town.

You can see why these places have ...fjordur in their name.
The 2800 people in town have all the modern conveniences.
I should have paid more attention to the prevalence of electric vehicles in Iceland. Electricity is cheap (geothermal) and it's a perfect match for a Tesla. A decade ago, before EVs became reasonable, Iceland was developing a hydrogen fuel infrastructure using their cheap electricity to make hydrogen.
Apartments facing the inner harbor.
Obligatory bicycle picture, also electric.
Isafjordur is known for its varieties of architecture.

The town's main square

We didn't try them, but were tempted. I was turned off by the no sugar, no palm oil. Made it sound almost healthy.
A modern church

The town exists because of salt fish fishermen.

Gate to the cemetery adjoining the church
Children's playground with a rainbow theme

The tender trip back to the ship has no pictures because they would all be blurry. It was bumpy, particularly when tying up to the ship. Disembarking the tender took a long time with lots of motion and no horizon to look at. I didn't eat much for lunch.

And this was a harbinger of things to come. Our next port, Husavik, has once again to much wind and waves to tender successfully so we've pulled into Akureyri (see August 11). But it's COLD, WINDY and RAINING so no attempt at walking around. The great weather that Captain Leo has brought all along for us sees to be failing. It could be messy for the next several days.

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