Friday, August 16, 2024

August 11 Akureyri Iceland

 Weather has caused a deviation from our planned itinerary. Although the sailing hasn't been particularly bumpy it's a little dicey for tenders. And our stop at Husavik Iceland would require the lifeboats be used to shuttle us to shore and back.

The captain has decided to shift our stop to Akureyri, at the end of a long fjord in northern Iceland. We can also dock here so it's not only sheltered but also doesn't require tenders. (I believe that Akureyri had been originally been on the itinerary, but was removed in favor of Husavik and Eskifjordjur. The captain has just undone that change.)

The irrefutable sign that seas are getting a little bumpy. 

The flat areas along the bottom of the fjord were unworldly green. Farming during the long summer days keeps people fed through the long winter.
Across from our dock.
We walked into town, early on a Sunday. Nothing was open, as you'd expect. But it was a pretty place.
The cathedral, as viewed from our dock.
Crosswalk signs -- Stop because we love you.
Wall art. Unfortunate location for a vent.

Up close to the church -- they were redoing the long flight of steps leading to the entrance, and we didn't want to take the long roundabout walk to get in the back way.
Street art. Reykjavik (to be visited soon) has a street leading to the cathedral that's painted in rainbow stripes. This is a variation on that theme.

Great use of natural terrain for a children's park. A LONG slide built into the hillside.
We didn't
There was an open grocery store about 1km away, so we walked over to it. Passing through a neighborhood park was this floral garden.
This tiny half-block square park had a disc golf course on it. A par 3 executive course perhaps.
A robo lawn mower happily wandering about the lawn of an industrial park near the port.
In the afternoon we went back north up the fjord so we could head towards Greenland.

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