Saturday, August 10, 2024

August 2 Alta Norway

 Posting has been delayed until we returned to the land of internet connectivity. Above the Arctic Circle it's difficult to move much data.

Alta is another town on a fjord.

The Church of the Northern Lights. The architecture is designed to mimic the sheets of northern lights visible in the night sky. The outer layer is titanium.

On the day we were there a bicycle competition was taking place. There was a festival area in the small city center.
Further out is this 19th century wooden church, Alta Church one of the few buildings in town that the Germans left standing in World War II.

We explored Alta on a ship's excursion, and the tour guide was hard pressed to come up with anything else to fill the scheduled 2.5 hour tour. It's a beautiful place although cold and cloudy on the day we visited.


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