Monday, February 3, 2020

Feb 2 Acapulco Mexico

What a big day.  Super Bowl Sunday, and we're in a time zone that allows us to watch it in real time, but sadly without commercials.  Oceania apparently licenses the game through ESPN and all of the commercials are for other ESPN shows.  Cricket especially.  And the connection was less than stellar so there were dropouts ranging from a second or so to a minute or longer at times.  And, in an arrangement that made the announcers look prescient, the audio was about 2 seconds ahead of the video. Or maybe the referee had a very quick whistle.
And it's Groundhog Day.  If the Acapulcan groundhog ventured out today, he definitely saw his shadow, condemning Acapulco to 6 more weeks of 87 degree weather before spring arrives.
We visited here is 2016 ( and took the tourist tour then.  This time we just walked along the beach.

 This time we were greeted with a band playing that traditional Mexican song, "Alexander's Ragtime Band"
 It was early on a Sunday morning as we walked along the beach promenade.  For some it was a normal work day.
 Lots and lots of buses traverse the beach road, many looking like this one.  They all have deep throated diesel engines and a very loud truck horn, which is used conversationally.
 A restaurant on a pier opens up for the locals

 There was a fresh fish market along the beach
 ...with interested customers

 Lots of nightclubs and drinking establishments
 We went as far as the Hypermart, which was like Costco + Walmart + Best Buy.  You could get tires for your car, a washer dryer combo, food, drugs, clothing...
 ..and since the Superbowl is apparently a thing in Mexico (or with the tourists in Mexico) you could get your Super supplies.

 A Mac's ice cream stand

 It was a Sunday morning, a day of rest
 Little Mermaid of Acapulco

 Lots of people took snorkeling, diving, whale watching kind of boat tours.  We returned to the A/C of our room.


Francie said...

Well, we did get to see the Super Bowl with commercials and there were some funny ones. Unfortunately for us, the wrong team won! Really like the pics of fish market with interested observers. One was waiting for a few scraps! I'm really enjoying your pics and entertaining commentary. Thanks!

cbb said...

Thanks Francie. We're having a great time!!