Friday, September 14, 2018

Sept 14 Knoxville

More exploration of Knoxville, this time wandering around the downtown area.  

This reminded me of the Merchants of Venus store in the Magic Kingdom's Tomorrowland. 
 Lots of old building
 Mural on the wall of the Visitor's Center
 We walked south along Gay Street.  Mast Store is a fixture.
 In the front window of Mast
 For you fans of Icelandic blues/rock
 Knoxville is a river city, the Tennessee in this case
 Calhoun's restaurant on the near right, and U of Tennessee in the distant right.
 Federal Courthouse
 We took the free shuttle bus that ran through UT's campus.  This looked like a campus tour group passing by.  Lots of orange wear around.  Home football game tomorrow.
 Remnant of the 1982 World's Fair held in Knoxville, the Sunsphere
 Just a street picture
 One of Cynthia's heroes, Harry Burns provided the tie breaking vote to pass the 19th amendment in Tennessee, that gave the necessary 3/4 of the states to make it part of the Constitution. He did so because his mother told him to.
 We ate lunch in Market Square.  Lots of restaurants and open public areas.
 Although a refugee, we didn't ask
 A journalist covering the 1982 World Fair called Knoxville a "scruffy little city" and they have embraced the image


Palakika said...

Interesting pics of Knoxville. So glad you are out of harm's way. My Dave has a bro who lives outside Raleigh and without power. He has a generator working. Hope all goes well with your house. Palakika/Francie

Dave / Cynthia Bradley said...

francie--hope your BIL has power by this time. Flooding of the rivers now is of great concern. The hog producers put the animal 'waste products' in huge lagoons and many are worried that the flood waters will top the lagoon and carry the nasty stuff down river. It is pretty awful in some areas.