Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Sept 29 - Oct 1 Las Vegas

From the sublime beauty of the Grand Canyon to the frenetic and thunderous ambience of Las Vegas.  We visit LV every so often, mostly to remind ourselves why we don't particularly care for the place.  

A last look at the canyon as the sun rises
 Some signs seen near the canyon
 Las Vegas on the horizon
 We went to the Barry Manilow show the first night.  Yes we're old.  So is he.  But he gives a good show.
 Out and about the next morning, hard to tell just what city you're in as you look around.  Paris, Las Vegas, Epcot? 
We stayed at Caesar's Palace for its understated simplicity.

 Sunday night it was to Penn & Teller and their disappearing elephant.
 Pre-show, Penn plays jazz bass along with their accompanist, and sets up a "magic" result for one of their bits.
 As we left the hotel each morning, this is the first thing we saw.  I like the juxtaposition of the Gordon Ramsey restaurant (and its symbol).
 Walked to the Bellagio to visit their Conservatory
 Lots of work replacing the flowers in the presentation
 World's largest chocolate fountain
 First anniversary of the Mandalay Bay shooting while we were there
 Reminder of last night's show
 While out looking for the night lights along the strip, Mother Nature asserted her dominance in the lighting category.  Pretty impressive.

 Ended the evening with a volcanic eruption, on the hour every hour.

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