Tuesday, May 22, 2018

May 20 Rhodes Greece

One of our favorite places in the western Mediterranean is Rhodes.  And the captain was very accommodating, arriving at 9:30, 30 minutes early.  Since our tour didn't leave until 12:30, we had time to go into town for a couple of hours.

We were docked at one of the farthest locations, and it took us only 5 minutes to walk through the gate in the wall of the old city.  Early on a Sunday morning, things were starting slowly, but it was a beautiful day and the city is colorful.

 Street of the Knights

 The old city is embedded in a fortress

 Cynthia's favorite shop, just down from the mosque on the main shopping street.  We were fearful that it had closed since it used to be about 3 shops further towards the mosque, but Cynthia recognized the owner and squeals and hugs ensued.  We were last here in 2012.
 Our tour was to the ancient city of Lindos and a hike up the mountain to the Acropolis there.  Along the way we passed this replica statue of the Colossus of Rhodes.  Some accounts have the statue astride the harbor, while our guide said it was atop a mountain near the harbor, serving as a lighthouse. 
 For my sister -- the necessities of life on Rhodes.  It looked like a middle of the road municipal course.  And it was the only one on the island, we were told.  Guide said Greeks don't play golf but tourists do!
 We arrived in Lindos and prepared to climb the mountain.  261 steps, plus some steep ramps on the way up.  You could purchase a donkey ride if you were so inclined.  We weren't.
 Views on the way up -- big beach resort at the base
 Nearly at the top
 Last 60 steps to enter (but there were more steps inside to get to the temple)

  top of the hill and the remains of the Temple of Athena  

 The Mediterranean Sea was particularly inviting, although 300 feet below us.

 Back down the steps -- hard on the knees.  Cynthia is walking with Social Hostess Annabelle, one of the production cast dancers.  Annabelle was young and spry and not fazed by the heat and hills.
 Edit through the gift shop -- a warren of streets at the base of the hill leads back to the parking lot.

 Our tour included a stop at a pottery shop, one of the local specialties.  We were treated to a demo of pot throwing and painting.
 Finished products available to purchase
 Roadside memorial, about 3 feet high.  We saw 5 or 6 of them on the drive to/from Lindos.

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