Tuesday, July 30, 2024

July 28-29 Kristiansand & Bergen Norway

 We've never been to Kristiansand, a small city. It's a Sunday morning and the place is deserted...but Mac's is open.

Marina reflected in a harbor building

Street art
Deserted shopping street

Kristiansand Cathedral, with a fountain. The street level fountain suitable for kids to play in seems to be a theme of this trip.

City Hall
Posebyen is the old section of town, but well kept.

Street art in front of a restaurant.

On to Bergen, where we've been several times before. There are a number of island communities on the way in through the fjords..

One mystery solved. This is a water bus/water taxi stop a couple of miles from the Bergen dock. Shortly after we passed a small boat pulled up and the people boarded. I guess that's how they can commute to Bergen for shopping on those islands not connected by roads and bridges.
This looks like the ultimate thrill ride. On most commercial ships the lifeboats are set up to plunge from the deck into the ocean when necessary. This may be a training center for sailors.
Old harbor fort
The famous Bergen Bryggen

The church and homeless camp. A number of people were ministering to the needy.
Floibanen Funicular. We were up there on our first trip to Bergen. Excellent views of the harbor.
No, we didn't

Interesting reuse of a telephone booth -- it's now a small library

One seldom sees a boat this clean and freshly painted. It was docked across the pier from us.

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