Sunday, July 28, 2024

July 21 - 22 Ronne Denmark & Visby Sweden

 We are now visiting a clump of southern Baltic cities.  Superficially they are pretty much the same - old cities with old houses and cobblestone streets. There are no wheelchair ramps.

It's a Sunday in Denmark, so very little is open, or even stirring, at 9am when we take the shuttle bus from the port to the southern edge of town and this little church.

Danish architecture
A grocery store was open so we walked around. Universal constant: Pringles and Oreos are available everywhere. The pickled fish section was unique to this part of the world.

Since this area was bombed during WW2, we guessed that this was a bomb shelter from that era, located in the front yard of the home above.

Waiting for the shuttle bus to take us back.
Turbine blades for wind machines. There were quite a few of these stacked up on the docks, and they are BIG. At first I thought the framing holding the blades was done in a standard container format, but the boxes a the ends are more like 12x12' rather than the standard 8x8' of containers. But if they can fit onto a container ship, albeit with some additional handling on loading and unloading, it would make transport costs much lower.


Visby Sweden - we've been here before.  This town is best known for the large number of church ruins. GPSMYCITY publishes a tour of 12 different church ruins in the town. Throw in the walls that surround the town and you've got a massive amount of stones piled on stones.

One of the oldest houses in Visby.

A bigger church ruin. Just think of all the time and treasure that went into the building of these churches over the course of hundreds of years and only thousands of people to pay the taxes to build them.

An active church

Visby was a fortress, with walls surrounding it. This is the northern gate and tower. Cars and trucks still come through this gate (and even pedestrians if they move quickly).
Hollyhock grows natively along the walls and sidewalks.
Botanical Gardens
Old and New: a sightseeing train passes through the western gate and tower.
The old pharmacy

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