Friday, March 6, 2020

Mar 2 Iguazu Falls, Argentina

We were up early after going to bed after 1am.  Buffet breakfast at the hotel, transfer to the domestic airport in Buenos Aires and take the nearly 2 hour flight to Iguazu.

On arrival it was on the buses and heading off for the park.  We pick up a local guide for our bus, Alberto.  Alberto was good and funny, but he was always right.  And you weren't.
 Arrival at the park
 First stop was a buffet lunch, pretty good for the middle of nowhere.  They had Coke Zero.
 We walk next door and board a fully air conditioned truck to take us for our boat ride.  The thirty minute drive through the jungle was narrated by a park guide.
 The locals were happy to see us.
 After going down 220+ steps, we board our jet boat.

 And take off for the falls.
 First view from the river

 After puttering around for 20 minutes we were told to put the cameras away for the "shower" portion of the trip.  I pulled out the waterproof camera we use when snorkeling.

 They pulled into the waterfall three different times.  They thought it was great fun.
 Now thoroughly soaked we returned to the dock, climbed the 220+ steps and rode the air conditioned truck back to civilization where we walked a half-mile to get on another bus that took us to the Loi Suites hotel in Iguazu.  Oceania does not skimp on cheap hotels for their overland trips,

17000 steps since getting up in Buenos Aires, it's time for a shower, a great buffet dinner and to bed since we start again early tomorrow.

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