Friday, March 13, 2020

Mar 13 Buzios, Brazil

Another beach town stop that differs from Ihla Grande only in that there are cars in this town.  People come here for the beach and the restaurants.

Another tender port.  They don't raft the tenders together like river boats in Europe.  They were just exchanging pleasantries before guests came aboard.

 No big high rises here, everything is small.

 Insignia awaits out in the bay
 Buzios claim to fame is Brigitte Bardot, who came here to vacation in privacy after she became famous.  The locals believe she put them on the map, and have placed this bronze of her on the bay walkway.

 There are more high end shops than the normal beach tourist town.  Here's a store dedicated to selling flip flops. 
 The town square, with cars and a taxi stand.
 It must be jarring to ride over the roads made of paving stones like this.
 These tour boats are very popular with vacationers here.  I think they take you to snorkeling or distant beaches.  There was a constant line of people waiting to board, and the boats came to the pier every 10 minutes or so.
 The locals were happy to see us.  Well trained dogs.


Francie said...

Nice photos of Brazil. I understand from CC posts that your wonderful cruise will end in Rio. Sorry to hear this news, but it seems all the cruise lines are cancelling everything! you did get to see some new and interesting ports around SA. Safe journey home. Thanks for the blog and pics.

cbb said...

We decided to leave ATW when we returned from Iguazu Falls overland. With Al the itinerary changes plus world news we knew that there was an excellent chance the cruise would be cancelled. We were so sad when original itinerary changed; it was just so perfect for us, but glad to be home. Hunker down Francie and thanks for following along