Friday, August 9, 2019

Aug 4 Edinburgh Fringe Festival

In order to really jam up the streets during the day, Edinburgh has the "Fringe Festival"  underway during the same time as the Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo.  It's a busker convention, with something going on every 100 feet along the Royal Mile.  And for inexplicable reasons, at certain points they restrict the passage of walkers to about 10 feet width by blocking off the street which has been given over to pedestrians and buskers.  And since we arrived on a Sunday afternoon, all the locals as well as us tourists, were out there to see the people.

Entrance to the Festival, as well as one of the choke points.

A stage performance, one of about 6 stages along the upper half of Royal Mile.
 Booths in the foreground of St. Giles Cathedral
 Groups of similarly dressed people wandered the street handing out flyers for shows held at venues all around the town.  This is a participant in one of those groups.  I'm not sure just what the show was about.
 Posters about town for a politcal podcast.  The characters arew worth a look.
 Here's a group of undead handing out flyers.  We didn't go to any of these shows because a) we had other plans, and b) every show was hilarious!!, side splitting funny!! or a creative gem!!!  How can you pick from a field like that?

 The pianos bolted together to form a playable tripod.  Nobody was doing anything other than doodling with this, but it would produce music.
Like many cities Edinburgh has a particular spirit creature that different groups embellish for their causes and display prominently.  For Edinburgh it's "Oor Wullie's Big Bucket Trail" showing Wullie sitting on a bucket.  Here are some of the ones I saw in our wanderings.

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