Thursday, October 2, 2014

Friday Sept 26 -- Big Trees

On the way out of Yosemite, first - yet another Tunnel View stop, then we stopped at Mariposa Grove, home to sequoia.  These are the inland version of coastal redwoods -- massive trees.  Definitely needed the wide angle lens to get these in the picture -- otherwise I'd have to back up to the other side of the park.

After gas, groceries and lunch in Fresno it was on to Sequoia National Park and more big trees.  General Grant is one of the biggest.  I noticed that the info sign said that Gen'l Grant had a volume of 46,608 sq ft.  1 - How do they measure it?  2 - How do they get such precision, 5 significant digits?  I was impressed with both the skill and the innumeracy of the park service.

Our lodge for two nights in Sequoia National Park.  Actually, this is the registration desk and restaurant.  Three outbuildings up the hill behind me hold the guest rooms.

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