Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Sept 15 Monaco

 We visit a small French fishing village. The Grimaldis turned it into the pinnacle of luxury. Great sail in early in the morning.

We were fortunate to dock here. There's not much room for cruise ships with all of the megayachts filling up the harbor. After a fairly long walk along the pier we come to city. This is La Rascase, the next to last corner on the Grand Prix circuit for which Monaco is famous. You can actually sit in the restaurant during the race and watch the cars go by...if you have the money.
The Grimaldis live up there.
Juan Manuel Fangio, winner of the first Monaco Grand Prix.
It's early on a Sunday morning and a classic car club drives by. I wasn't in a good place to get pictures but here's a couple of oldies.
Not pictured -- '64 Mustang, an old TBird and any number of classic sports cars. And a Steak n Shake.
This is the first corner of the grand prix circuit. The planters/dividers are temporary and removed for the race. On an earlier visit we walked the entire circuit. We didn't this time.
This is the church which gives the corner its name -- St. Devote.
In this church Princess Grace married Prince Rainier

Typical street scene -- Ferrari in the red zone while the driver runs into a store. There was a woman sitting in the passenger seat scrolling through her phone.
The other reason Monaco is famous -- the Casino.
Berthed next door to us. Not much smaller than Vista.
Everything looks better at night. The casino is in the center with the Hotel de Paris to its left.

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